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About Push Protocol

Push Protocol, previously known as EPNS, is a Web3 communication protocol that enables any dApps, smart contracts, backends, or protocols to communicate both on-chain and off-chain via user wallet addresses in an open, gasless, multichain, and platform-agnostic fashion. Being an open communication middleware, Push is building a suite of products to enable notifications, chats, video, streaming, and more. We currently have three major products, Push Notifications, Push Chat and Video.

Push Journey

We have had an awesome journey! Ideation and loads of research were taken to the Ethereum Foundation -> EthGlobal HackMoney 2020, where we built the POC -> selected for IDEO PVD -> selected for Gitcoin Kernel fellowship, and came out as a top 20 project! -> entered Gitcoin Grants Round 7 (top 5 project / 210+ contributors), which led us to raise our seed ($1.41M).

We are lucky and grateful to be backed by top VCs / Angels in the space, including Balaji Srinivasan, Jump, Tiger Global, Binance Labs, ParaFi, Sino Global Capital, Polygon Studios, Woodstock Ventures, True Ventures, IOSG, Sandeep Nailwal (CEO of Polygon), Scott Moore (Co-founder of Gitcoin), DeFiDad, Mariano Conti, Anthony Sassano, Ravindra (Frontier), Preethi Kasireddy along with 40+ equally awesome folks.

With $10.1 million in recent funding, we have extensive plans for Push’s future growth as we scale globally!

Email [email protected] if interested.

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